AYUSH Institutions Must Evolve Microbiome Departments Which May Hold the Key to Unravel The Magic Behind AYUSH

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Deepak Gupta


Investment in AYUSH has been revolutionary in the recent times. It is good that we are respecting our past by reflecting on our historical knowledge rather than overlooking our magical history. However, it may still be better to collaborate with modern era for understanding our glorious past. Herein, the microbiome testing for clinical and research purposes may come in handy for AYUSH. Currently, the microbiome testing is sparingly if ever used even among the non-AYUSH practicing countries. Thereafter, infrastructural investment into microbiome testing appears to be exorbitant with return on investment appearing to be slower due to cost-prohibitive testing charges turning infrequent testing into rare if ever testing. This vicious cycle precludes a faster generation of real-world clinical and research data to timely refute or validate the underexplored role of microbiomes in our overall deteriorating health across the global humanity while the ever-expanding availability of newer as well as older tools for healing ourselves may still be lagging well-behind in mitigating our ever-expanding plethora of newer as well as older diseases which may be keeping our existence as humans insufferable.


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AYUSH Institutions Must Evolve Microbiome Departments Which May Hold the Key to Unravel The Magic Behind AYUSH. JEFI [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];1(1):30-1. Available from: https://efi.org.in/journal/index.php/JEFI/article/view/8