Extent and Pattern of Physiotherapy Profession: A pilot Study
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Question: What is the level of awareness and understanding of the Physiotherapy profession among the general population of Delhi National Capital Region (NCR), India? Objective: To evaluate the general awareness of the physiotherapy profession among the general population of Delhi National Capital Region (NCR). Design: A cross-sectional survey and qualitative analysis of multiple-choice responses. Participants and Methods: In this pilot study total responses 250 and participants were randomly selected from the general public in areas of Delhi NCR were collected using an investigator-administered questionnaire. Data were analysed with MS office and SPSS. Results: In this study there were 250 respondents, out of them 121 (48%) were males and 129 (52%) were females. Out of total participants only 1% were illiterate and 99% were literate. 88% of the respondents were aware of the term ‘physiotherapy’ and 12% had never heard about it. 52% had the knowledge of a physiotherapist’s qualifications and 49% had knowledge of various physiotherapy services. Lack of awareness and knowledge was thought to be the main cause behind why people do not access physical therapy services, followed by the perception that it is all about massage and lastly that it is just for the elderly population, with figures 67%, 22% and 11%, respectively. Conclusion: The study’s participants had moderate level of awareness and positive belief regarding physiotherapy. The findings suggested that there is still a need to increase the awareness of the role of a physiotherapist among the general population so that its maximum potential can be tapped.
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