Ensuring equity against odds- COVID-19 Vaccination outreach to the remotest area of Himachal Pradesh-India, a first-hand experience






Covid-19, Vaccination drive, Campaign, Vaccine-equity


  • Saurabh Rattan District Immunization Officer, O/o CMO Kangra, Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0148-660X
  • Nipun Jindal Deputy Commissioner, District Kangra at Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh
  • Rahul Kumar Additional Deputy Commissioner, District Kangra, Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh
  • Gurdarshan Gupta Chief Medical Officer, District Kangra
  • Gopal Ashish Sharma Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital Shimla, Himachal Pradesh https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7588-6481


Background: The COVID-19 vaccination drive Himachal Pradesh (HP), lead from the front by vaccinating 50,21,659 eligible beneficiaries for the 1st dose. Govt of India had given target of saturating the state with the first dose by the end of the month. By 16th of August, 2021, Distt Kangra had already administered 10.73+ lakh doses covering 92.2% of the eligible target. Objective: The   target would not be achieved factually without considering the vaccination in far-flung remote village of ‘Bara Bangal’. Methods: The village is sandwiched between two passes. The most accessible access is located behind the scenic ‘Dhauladhar mountain ranges, following vigorous trails for 3 days.The target of 100% for the 1st dose could not be achieved without vaccinating the left-out beneficiaries. Hence, extra efforts were made to vaccinate estimated 120 beneficiaries. The Chief Minister’s Office approved for the proposed vaccination team outreach session at ‘Bara Bangal’, Kangra, by the state-owned helicopter. Authorities decided to take 20 vials of the Covishield vaccine with a team of 5 individuals. Results: The team vaccinated 111 beneficiaries at ‘Bara Bangal’ out of which 103 were administered the ‘first’ and eight were administered the 'second' due dose. This dedicated vaccine campaign is a landmark event in the HP vaccination coverage of the entire population for the 1st dose. Interpretation: A coordinated and committed effort by the state authorities thereby ensured vaccine equity against all odds, as inaccessible one’s of the remotest areas were outreached & vaccinated. On the 29th of August, HP became the 1st state in India to achieve a 100% vaccination of the eligible population. The state has ensured that no one is left out even from remotest area.

How to Cite

Rattan, S. ., Jindal, N., Kumar, R. ., Gupta, G. ., & Sharma, G. A. . (2024). Ensuring equity against odds- COVID-19 Vaccination outreach to the remotest area of Himachal Pradesh-India, a first-hand experience . Journal of the Epidemiology Foundation of India, 2(2), 73–77. https://doi.org/10.56450/JEFI.2024.v2i02.008

Author Biographies

Saurabh Rattan, District Immunization Officer, O/o CMO Kangra, Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh


Nipun Jindal, Deputy Commissioner, District Kangra at Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh


Rahul Kumar, Additional Deputy Commissioner, District Kangra, Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh


Gurdarshan Gupta, Chief Medical Officer, District Kangra


Gopal Ashish Sharma, Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital Shimla, Himachal Pradesh



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