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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

​​​​​​​​​​​Journal of Epidemiology Foundation of India is committed to an unbiased, independent, anonymous, and confidential review of articles submitted to it. Journal follows a double-blind peer review process, under which, firstly, the manuscript content, structure, and format are assessed to ensure that it is according to the journal's guidelines and instructions for manuscript preparation. If not, the manuscript is sent back to the authors for modifying and resubmitting as per guidelines. After this, it is assessed for relevance, originality, and audience appeal; based on which the manuscript is sent for External Review (2-3 technical reviewers and one statistical expert based on the need). Based on the reviewers' comments, the manuscript is either rejected or sent back to the authors for revision and re-re​visions. If the original or revised article is deemed fit for publication by the reviewers, it is accepted and is suitably edited before publication. The processes of submission of the manuscript, peer review, communication of the final decision, and sending proofs are done through the online system.

Manuscripts submitted to this Journal, should not have been published or are under consideration for publication in any substantial form in any other publication, professional or lay. The article is published under the terms of the latest Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial License unless notified otherwise. 

Author Instructions

Publication submissions for EFI Journal include original research papers, reviews, opinions, case studies/series, commentary, communications, editorials, and letters. Before submitting manuscripts, authors are asked to adhere to the below guidelines. The review procedure will not examine submissions that do not match the subsequent requirements. To improve the quality of the paper, Acquaint utilizes a double-blind peer review procedure. Authors are expected to adhere to internationally acknowledged standards for reporting research relevant to their discipline. Complementary file types for word processors are permitted for the manuscript EFI Journal: Microsoft Word Cover Letter (DOC, DOCX)

Each application is required to include a cover letter on institutional/personal letterhead.

Initial submission

The editorial office should receive initial submissions. The editorial coordinator will send a confirmation submission email to the authors within 24 to 48 hours after the initial quality screening and journal suitability evaluation. Submissions that pass the preliminary analysis will be sent to reviewers for evaluation.

Divergences of interest

Authors are required to disclose any direct and indirect financial, commercial, personal, and career affiliations with the piece, as well as any personally held opinions pertinent to the work.

Cover page

The title page should include the article's title or running title, subtitle, list of authors, author affiliations, author order, and contact details. Authors may additionally include article type, word count, number of tables, figures, and other supplemental material following the piece.

Authorship and communication

Each author's involvement to the final work, including study design, data gathering, paper preparation, etc., must be fully stated; GLP publishing does not mediate or serve as a witness in author disputes. Regarding any adjustments, the editorial office will contact the associated author(s); all writers are responsible for the final content.


As the abstract is the only portion of the article to which many readers pay attention, authors must ensure that it is accurate and informative. In a few lines, a well-written abstract provides the reader with an accurate summary of the paper. Verify that you have provided sufficient context and purpose, describe your techniques and significant findings, and conclude with a conclusion. Your abstract should be the shortest possible synopsis of your paper. The abstract should be limited to 100 to 150 words. Neither references nor citations may be combined in this section. Include in the abstract the study's purpose, methodology, outcomes, and conclusion.

Diagrammatic abstract

We encourage the submission of a graphical abstract for the publication, since visuals tend to attract more readers. Momentarily step back and consider a way to explain your findings visually; you can include a description of 60-80 words. Submit an image with a high resolution in TIFF format as a separate file.


Following the abstract, research articles, reviews, and case reports should include a list of keywords (4-8 catchphrases) used throughout the article; this makes it easier to optimise the piece for search engine results.


The use of acronyms increases the general readability of scientific works, hence their application is encouraged. Each abbreviation should be properly explained the first time it is used in the text. In the title, all abbreviations should be completely expanded.


Units - show the units using the international system of units (SI).

Use the recommended international nonproprietary name for drugs (RINN)

Use binomial nomenclature and italics when presenting species names.

Use DDBJ/GENEBANK accession numbers for sequences of genes and amino acids

Tables and figures

Figures and tables must be delivered in separate files or as high-resolution jpeg or tiff files. Each table and figure must have a legend. Copyrighted photos that have been scanned or watermarked are not acceptable for publication. In the case of reusing a published figure or table, authors must obtain permission from the novel's publisher and cite the figure or table appropriately in the text.


The appendix and additional data should be presented in a separate document and referenced in the text. The appendix may contain illustrations, tables, or citations when applicable. On the website for the journal, each piece of supporting information will have its own unique URL.

Financial sources

A declaration detailing all research financing sources must be included with the application.


Authors should acknowledge the contributions of persons who did not fit the requirements for authorship but who made other contributions to the study. Sponsors of research might also be included in this section.


Each article's material should be maintained with relevant references in consecutive sequence to guarantee that the references are current and properly cited.


The creative commons attribution 4. 0 international licence, sometimes known as cc by, is applied to all text published in academic journals. The article may be legally repurposed with proper attribution.

Copyright assignment

In the event of a reproduction of a published work or a portion thereof, such as figures/tables/text, etc., the corresponding author is a reliable source for obtaining permission from the prior publisher. It is required to include copyright transference proof where applicable and to ensure that it is cited properly.

Retraction procedure

To be acquainted with excellence and dependability is of paramount importance. If an article must be retracted, we adhere to an internationally recognised policy. Due to honest errors that were ignored, weaknesses in experimental methodology, or scientific misconduct, a paper may need to be retracted. Inaccurate or deceptive study reporting has no place in a scientific journal; as a result, we have accelerated our efforts to fulfil our excellent standards. Any articles found to contain plagiarised material are immediately retracted. On the website, a notice explaining the grounds for the retraction will be posted alongside a link to the original publication. On the retraction notice, you can find a citation and a link. In the event that a published article generates significant debate, letters will be published to exchange the relevant information.


In this section, the subsequent edition of the journal will contain a list of adjustments made at various stages of production to the published manuscript. Only faults in writing, editing, and layout, as well as errors in tables and figures, are repaired and published.


Under this section, a list of corrections supplied by the writers will be published. These modifications may not affect the published work's findings and conclusions. Publication consideration is given to errors in units of measurement, misidentification of strains, authorship, affiliations, etc. The corresponding author must notify the editorial office of the list of corrections, with the consent of all authors attached.

Plagiarism Policy

Journal of the Epidemiology Foundation of India is extremely strict in matters of Plagiarism. The Journal will not accept plagiarized articles for publication. If the journal finds a submitted plagiarized article, then it may ban all the authors responsible for the article in publishing with it. So, all the authors/researchers are requested to check their respective articles for plagiarism before submitting them for publishing.

All received manuscripts will be vigorously checked for plagiarism. We use software for the detection of plagiarism before forwarding the manuscripts for the peer-review process.

The Journal is abide to UGC guidelines for plagiarism []






Contributor Form


Ethical Approval



Unstructured (250 words)

Word Limit


References (PubMed Only)








Policies / Guidelines

Introduction, Body and Conclusion.
Introduction: An Introduction of explanation of issue, especially complex issues.
Body: Opinions from the opposing viewpoint that refute directly the same issues the author addresses.
The opinions of the author delivered in a professional manner. Good editorials engage issues, not personalities and refrain from name-calling or other petty tactics of persuasion.
Alternative solutions to the problem or issue being criticized. Anyone can gripe about a problem, but a good editorial should take a proactive approach to making the situation better by using constructive criticism and giving solutions.
Conclusion: A solid and concise conclusion that powerfully summarizes the author's opinion. Give it some punch.

Continuing Medical Education


Continuing Medical Education

Contributor Form


Ethical Approval




Word Limit


References (PubMed Only)



± 1





Policies / Guidelines

In-depth, substantiated, educational articles presenting core information for the continuing professional development.

Review Article


Review Article

Contributor Form


Ethical Approval



Un / Structured
(Background, Aims & Objectives, Material & Methods, Results, Conclusion) – 200 words only.

Word Limit


References (PubMed Only)



± 2





Policies / Guidelines

Review articles would be preferably by invitation, written by individuals who have done substantial work on the subject or are considered experts in the field.

Articles by other public health experts can be accepted on the basis of merit of article. A short summary of the work done by the contributor(s) in the field of review/their area of expertise should accompany the manuscript.

The section titles would depend upon the topic reviewed.

Authors submitting review articles should include a section describing the methods used for locating, selecting, extracting, and synthesizing data.

The journal expects the contributors to give post-publication updates on the subject of review. The update should be brief, covering the advances in the field after the publication of the article and should be sent as a letter to the editor, as and when major development occurs in the field.




Contributor Form


Ethical Approval



Unstructured - 100 Words only.
Structured - (Background, Aims & Objectives, Material & Methods, Results, Conclusion) – 100 words only.

Word Limit


References (PubMed Only)

05 - 10







Policies / Guidelines

This is an expected article from the experts in the field who have researched on already had evidence and derived the contents which have been used or will be used and its relevance with public health importance.
This is taken from the people who are currently working with problems or have experienced disasters.

The experience and rationale of the authors will make a mark here and try to bring better learning for future.

A summary in end of 100 words with final say of author.



Field Report

Contributor Form


Ethical Approval




Word Limit


References (PubMed Only)

± 5







Policies / Guidelines

This should be from the experts who are directly involved in the field.
The authors should have first-hand experience.
Appropriate permissions should be obtained.
The field experience can have data or it can be a consolidated qualitative report too.
This should be an example for other places to work on in future. Multiple experiences in a qualitative approach can be introduced as a report.
Not storytelling but experience sharing qualitative or quantitative.
A summary in end of 100 words.
It is good to give references and links for further study if required.

Short Article


Short Article

Contributor Form


Ethical Approval



(Background, Aims & Objectives, Material & Methods, Results, Conclusion) – 100 words only.

Word Limit


References (PubMed Only)



± 1





Policies / Guidelines

Short article should contain interesting observations/ brief reports of original studies presenting the authors' views on a topic of current interest. The purpose of a short article in Indian Journal of Community Health is to provide additional insights into topics of current public health concerns.
A summary and recommendations in end of 100 words.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in the Journal of the Epidemiology Foundation of India will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of Journal of the Epidemiology Foundation of India and will not be made available for any other purpose or to third party.