7 years gone, little action on Govt’s 2017 plan oncurbing ads for unhealthy foods

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Rema Nagarajan


There has been little or no action on key recommendations in govt’s 2017 action plan for prevention and control of common non-communicable diseases which seek strict regulation of advertising, marketing and promotion of unhealthy food to children. Seven years on, there is no regulation on what the plan described as “unchallenged aggressive marketing strategies” of food and beverage companies.


Promotion of unhealthy foods high in fat, salt and sugar (HFSS) came into focus recently when Supreme Court talked of expanding a petition on Patanjali’s misleading ads to include misleading ads “taking the public for a ride, in particular, adversely affecting health and well being of babies, young children, women... who have been consuming the products on the basis of misrepresentation”.

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7 years gone, little action on Govt’s 2017 plan oncurbing ads for unhealthy foods. (2024). Journal of the Epidemiology Foundation of India , 2(2), 40-41. https://doi.org/10.56450/s2yyyr34